Here’s what the other Golden Girls are saying…
Before joining AfterGlow, I thought I had a food addiction problem. I didn't know how AfterGlow would help me, but it made sense. Now after working with Ange for 3M, I know that I most definitely DO NOT have a food addiction. Ange gave me the tools, awareness & skillset to change my entire relationship to food and myself.
I am no stressing about food, no longer denying any food, my feeling of no control around sweets has definitely decreased. I am NO longer overeating (YAY!) and I've lost 10 lbs (but that's not even my focus.) Now, I choose foods that I actually ENJOY and leave foods that I don't want. There is no going back to old diets or foods that were off limits, this is a forever lifestyle! Previously I thought weight loss was the answer, but Ange helped me see that making peace with myself FIRST was actually what I was missing in my journey.”
“I can’t believe that this dream version of myself could be a reality, but I finally see a light, or glow, at the end of the tunnel and know that it’s 1000% possible.
You have SUCH a beautiful gift Ange. Everyone needs AfterGlow in their life. I feel so aligned having gone through my own transformation. It blows my mind that this isn’t more widespread but I know AfterGlow will change this. I am SO READY to become an AfterGlow Certified Coach so that I can help more women. I can’t wait to begin this next step of my journey. ”
What was your favourite part of the program?
“It’s extremely hard to chose one as I have core memories from each. I loved the one on one coaching sessions as it was time to let the conversation flow and really dig deep into what I was struggling with that week or period of time. I also enjoyed the check ins as I really used it as a time of reflection to actually celebrate my wins of the weeks as well as recognize things I still struggled with. But knowing you were in my pocket to just message at any time when I could feel myself slipping into a negative spiral was a massive comfort blanket for me. I needed that support 24/7 when I wasn’t able to do that myself. And I LOVE an Ange rant!”
“I honestly got more out of 6 weeks working with Ange than I did in 6 months of therapy.
I have a lot more confidence being myself instead of being the version of the person I thought people wanted me to be. Now I ask myself, “what is going to fuel me and make me feel good"“ instead of always choosing the worst option for me.”
“At long last, I’ve FINALLY broken up with the number on the scale (thanks to you!)
It’s no longer affecting me on a daily basis. Which is life-changing because before I’d get on the scale and see a number I hated and my whole day would be ruined. I really feel like I’m starting to love myself no matter what size I am.”
If you've tried it all and you're sick and tired of not getting the results you want, this is for you.
If you're fed up with feeling trapped in a body you don't love, this is for you.
If you want to continue to focus on health while prioritizing your internal self-care game, this is for you.
If you want to see food as food, your body as your body to release the grip and allow your life to unfold exactly as it should, this is for you.

AfterGlow offers a signature 4 month program called WholeBody. Think of WholeBody like a coach in your back pocket - ready to help you anytime you need guidance or support. If you’re not ready to commit, AfterGlow offers customized 1-on-1 sessions as well as personal training.
The Glow Method is an online program that guides you through four phases of The G-L-O-W Method [online content]. There are educational videos along with "Soul Work" for you to work through on your own time. Once you've signed up for WholeBody, you'll get immediate access to The G-L-O-W Method which consists of 6 modules.
Each module contains a video that has been pre-recorded which means you can access them whenever, forever. You'll get lifetime access to all of the content, supporting materials, and community. The beauty (and the reason why) I've recorded the content is so that you can learn concepts on your own while on the 1:1 calls, we have time to dive deep into areas where you personally feel stuck and then we can work through that together.
Yes! WholeBody is offered in person at AfterGlow headquarters, 111 Banff Avenue; or online via Zoom. In WholeBody, we meet once every two weeks for your private 1:1 session. We can meet virtually or in my downtown office space. Outside of this time, we will be communicating regularly inside of Voxer/email.
No! When you sign up for WholeBody, you'll have access to the content, trainings, our conversations etc. and as a bonus, you'll also have access to any/all future content that I create.
Yes - I've got you! I want you to feel 100% confident knowing this is the right decision for you. After you sign up, I’ll give you 14 days with me to explore the content, have our first 1:1 call and really make sure it all feels really good to you. If at the end of those two weeks you don't feel like this is for you... I’ll give you all your money back, no questions asked.