“Before I started AfterGlow, I thought I had a food addiction…”
“Before I started AfterGlow, I thought I had a food addiction."
Those are the words of one of my current clients. Today, I'm thrilled to share her remarkable transformation. Her AfterGlow journey began with a whole 'lotta stress, eating rules/restriction, and this constant pressure to shed the last 10lbs that she placed on herself.
Meet my client, Kendra, age 34.
A beautiful, resilient soul who, like many of us, was super healthy on paper yet struggled with her weight. She was trying very hard to eat super clean & healthy daily, but stressing about "not too much"
and… "Is it OK to have this?
but... "WTF I'm still hungry?"
and… "UGH! Now I'm feeling guilty cause I totally just overate...I can do so much better than this...I'll try harder tomorrow."
[If you can relate to this, Kenda's story is for you! I love who I work with because my clients are always pieces of me. I 100% struggled with food, overeating and binging and THIS is why AfterGlow exists! So keep reading!]
In the beginning, the struggle was real; but sometimes she wondered if it was a struggle, or just the way she was. Overeating at night was her downfall but she thought, maybe that's just how I'll be forever?
Enter AfterGlow.
Kendra reflected to me earlier this week:
"To be honest, I didn't know whether AfterGlow could actually help me. I knew it has helped transform many other women, but I just didn't know if it would ACTUALLY work for me." - Kendra
Despite her fear of the unknown, she jumped head first into AfterGlow. She showed up, trusted the process & experienced a transformation that completely outweighs any number on the scale. Losing weight isn't her sole focus anymore. The thing is, she didn't just lose 10 lbs. She lost years and years of diet culture programming & storylines that held her back. Her external transformation is a byproduct of her massive internal transformation. Feeling good in her body is now her primary focus.
No more annoying diets, no more starting a cleanse because she needs to lose 10 lbs quickly, no more falling off the wagon cause she ate something 'bad/unhealthy,' and no more ignoring hunger/fullness cues.
"I have lost 10 lbs, but the real magic is that I KNOW that I never have to diet again. And that there’s no more starting over. There’s no more “starting a cleanse on Monday” or “cutting out sugar cause I’ve eaten too much and been bad again… This is FOREVER."
Kendra, Age 34, Client
AfterGlow Lifestyle Coaching
She continued:
"Now, there is no more starting over. I no longer have ANY guilt and this has been SUPER freeing for me!"
Now, I know when I'm hungry [VS before when I was stressed out, I'd turn to food even I wasn't even hungry] but the crazy thing is, I didn't even REALIZE I was doing this until I started AfterGlow." - Kendra
I literally had to pick my jaw off my desk during our session. I mean, can you believe it? All from not even 3 months inside AfterGlow! If this isn't life changing, I don't know what is.
Imagine for a moment: a weight lifted off not just your body but within your mind as you realize you no longer need to stress/obsess/worry about food + your weight?
You no longer have to buy into the external pressure to be a certain size or eat a certain # of calories... Instead you just get to be - enjoy life, enjoy food, enjoy socializing, honour your body and all the good stuff, and that's it!
Through AfterGlow, Kendra went through our proven 4-step framework to end overeating/binging and find food freedom (without giving up the foods you love!) Since graduating, Kendra has found that sweet spot where health, freedom and happiness intersect. She now feels incredible in her own skin, relearning how to honour her body in a society that tells us we constantly need to change, fix or shrink our bodies to find health & happiness...
AfterGlow's 3M program isn’t a quick fix calorie counting plan, but a profound shift in mindset and lifestyle. It's about embracing food without labels, finding pleasure in nourishment, and, saying goodbye to guilt. She no longer overeats and understands her eating psychology a little more each day.
Imagine waking up each day feeling empowered, free from the heaviness of diet culture and societal pressures—a weightless feeling that Kendra now cherishes as the BEST. She wakes up feeling GOOD. Small but mighty shifts.
So, if you've ever felt trapped in the stress of health/weight loss, I hope Kendra's story can be your slice of faith, with a side of glow.
Wanna learn more? I’ve just filmed a new training called “How to stop overeating/binging without giving up the foods you love!” Shoot me an email and I’ll send the free training your way!
The Glow Effect:
AfterGlow is a movement that is on a mission to help 1 million women find Body & Food Freedom through Neuro-Empowered EatingTM by 2030.