End your Love-Hate Relationship with Yo-Yo Dieting
Rewind 10 years ago, I don’t even want to think about how many hours I burned watching YouTube and social media videos looking for the “secret” to weight loss.
Because there had to be a secret, right?
You know, promises like:
”The secret to losing weight and getting toned in 30 days or less!”
”Say goodbye to love handles with this fat burning diet!”
“Oh no, you’ve been doing it all wrong! Follow this restrictive meal plan to drop inches fast!”
10 years ago, I was stuck in this cycle, searching for the “secret.” I was distracted by ALL the things and never got the real results I was looking for.
That’s because even though I knew the basics …
I didn’t have a PLAN … an actual GPS map guiding me from where I was, to where I wanted to go.
And where I wanted to go was MUCH deeper and more real than any calorie counting plan could ever offer.
It’s hard to have that clear, big-picture view for yourself of where you are and where you want to get to! But when you finally get it, it can mean:
No more false starts
No more time-sucking detours
No more vicious cycles that lead to burnout
No more unsustainable, restrictive yo-yo diets
Because here's the thing...
The real results I was searching for had nothing to do with the food I was eating, the workouts I was hammering or the changes I wanted to see in my body.
It had EVERYTHING to do with understanding why I make the decision I do, how I've been programmed & how can I choose food and workouts from an EMPOWERED place. A place that feels aligned to me. Not to someone else.
This is the game-changing principal in which AfterGlow is built on. Imagine you are your own GSP, not some diet plan telling you what to eat/think/feel around food!
AfterGlow is a health solution program that was created based on ME going first. I had to dig deep to understand my own internal programming, the way I’m wired, the reason I DO the things I do, the reason I eat the way I DO, the patterns unconsciously on repeat that [unconsciously] sabotaged my success.
And most importantly, I created this program because it helped heal certain parts of me, so that I can help you break free from the yo-yo, instant gratification diet world.
Instead of focusing on all the things you need to change/are wrong with you/that you *think* need fixing --> what if you focused on all the things that felt good to you?
Once you discover how much diet culture is holding you back, you’ll feel grounded planting new roots as you explore what a brighter, healthier and more aligned version of you feels like.
You ready?
As a Food Freedom Coach, I'm on a mission to help women make peace with their body, food & exercise, so they can experience the results they truly desire.
Feel like you're stuck on the weight loss hamster wheel, doing ALL the healthy things but still not losing weight (which is driving you crazy!) Book your free consultation. I’ll give you my 4-step proven framework so you’ll never have to diet again and find a sustainable way achieve your ideal weight.